
Introducing a comprehensive range of nonwoven products engineered for superior performance in filtration applications. At Indorama Ventures Specialty Polymers, we specialize in crafting cutting-edge solutions designed to enhance efficiency, reliability, and sustainability across various industries. From air and water filtration to industrial processes, our nonwoven products find applications in a variety of filtration systems.

We offer a range of PET polymers that are suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • Amorphous polymers
  • High and Superhigh viscositypolymers
  • Clear/Micro-dull and Semi-dull options
  • High Hydrolysis Resistance, where indicated

All our polymers are APR and Plastic Recyclers Europe recognized for recycling in the regular PET recycling chain.

XPURETM offers antimony-free glass like clarity that helps you meet your specification needs as well as complying with stringent regulatory requirements.

  • Antimony free
  • Low melt where indicated
  • High viscosity
  • Crystal clear clarity

XPURE is APR and Plastic Recyclers Europe recognized for recycling in the regular PET recycling chain.